Hola a todos, espero alguien pueda ayudarme, recibí notificación de la negación de mi visa de turista para visitar Londres en el mes de abril por 2 semanas, soy colombiana y trabajo independiente y cuento con un patrocinador en Londres quien asumirá todos mis gastos del viaje. Adjunto copia de la carta con la decisión tomada, no se en menos de un mes puedo volver a realizar la solicitud o si será nuevamente rechazada, agradezco mucho la ayuda y la guía que puedan brindarme.
I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2 to V4.6 of Appendix V: Immigration Rules for Visitors because: You state that you intend to visit the UK for 15 days for tourism and for visiting friends. You state that you are self-employed with your own business, with a yearly income of £3,000. You also state that your sponsor in the UK will be paying towards the cost of your trip. In support of your application you have provided various business and banking documents in support of your application. However, these document are not in English or Welsh. The official Government website
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/visitor-visa-guide-to-supporting- documents/guide-to-supporting-documents-visiting-the-uk includes the following information
about translations: “If you submit a document that is not in English or Welsh, it must be accompanied by a full translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office. Each translated document must contain: confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the document • the date of the translation • the translator's full name and signature • the translator's contact details” This information is in the public domain, and it is expected that applicants will familiarise themselves with the requirements prior to submitting a visa application. An ECO cannot consider a document in another language if that document is not accompanied by the requisite translation. I am therefore unable to take these documents into consideration in assessing your application. Given the above I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry for a purpose that is permitted under the visitor route and that you will leave the UK at the end of your visit. Your application is therefore refused under paragraph V 4.2 (a) and (c) of the Immigration rules.
La persona que me patrocina el viaje es italiano residente en Londres y tiene su empresa y residencia allí, mi intención no es quedarme en londres ya que cuido de mi papá en Colombia que tiene Alzhaimer.
Muchas gracias